The Master's Degree Programme in Translational Medicine
The application period has started on 1 December 2015 at 8.00 am and ends on 27 January 2016 at 3.00 pm (GMT+2).
Translational medicine aims to facilitate new therapies and medical procedures by implementing the findings in basic research in patient care, and by applying clinical data in basic research. This requires understanding of both science and medicine.
The core of TRANSMED consists of medical sciences, up-to-date methodology, interdisciplinary communication skills and practical training in research groups. Clinical rounds with a specialist physician mentor at the Helsinki University Hospital will permit the students to directly encounter the practice of medicine, from the viewpoint of a physician and a patient.
In TRANSMED, students will learn to
After completion of their Master of Science degree in Translational Medicine the students are eligible and strongly encouraged to apply to the several PhD training programmes within the Faculty of Medicine.
Two-phase application procedure 2016: