下周日(2013年12月15日)在北京东隅酒店举行“Healthcamp”活动,是一个由参与者主导的国际化活动。活动由简短发言、开放性讨论和小型展示组成。凡是从事健康行业工作,有健康领域的研究,或是对健康话题感兴趣的人,都可加入。北京Healthcamp 致力于为健康领域相关人士提供社交网络和社区并为其带来各行业的前沿理念。
如有问题,请联络Mariel Reed (mreed@cmbfound.org)
Healthcamp is a small, relatively informal conference that will bring together different groups of people from the health industry and fields. It will take place at the East Hotel in Beijing on the afternoon of Sunday, Dec. 15.
It is an excellent opportunity, especially for younger faculty, to share their research, ideas, and projects and connect with others in the field.
Speakers can sign up here: https://yoopay.cn/event/52685022 and attendees can sign up here: https://yoopay.cn/event/88314186. The event is free for both speakers and attendees.