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Abstracts should relate to clinical and translational research studies and should be submitted electronically in a Microsoft Word document.

Send abstracts to oic@bjmu.edu.cnby Sep. 20, 2019. Please include the following:


·        Title should be brief but should not contain abbreviations.

·        Do not bold use letters in the title unless necessary.

·        Do not capitalize all letters in title, only the first word and key words. Authors

·        Include all authors and their affiliations. To associate authors and their institutional affiliations, please place a number in parenthesis after each author’s name (if more than one author) and the corresponding number before each affiliated institution’s name (if more than one institution).

·        Put the submitting/presenting author’s name in bold.

·        Do not capitalize all letters in speaker information, only as appropriate.


·        Abstracts are limited to 300 words. Use size 11 Arial or Calibri font.

·        Submit text only. Do not include tables, graphics, or charts.

·        Do not include title, authors, or author affiliations in the abstract text.

·        Abstracts may include background, methods, results, conclusions, and funding-source acknowledgements, if applicable.

Submitter contact information

·        First and last name, degrees

·        Email address

Please proofread carefully – information submitted with errors may be published as is. Use a word processing program to assist with checking for grammar and spelling errors, as well as word count.

The deadline to submit abstracts is Sep. 20, 2019. For more information, contact oic@bjmu.edu.cn
