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CMB合作伙伴UBS Optimus Foundation征集儿童健康研究课题的通知

CMB合作伙伴UBS Optimus Foundation现面向CMB合作和资助院校征集有关儿童健康研究的课题。

UBS Optimus Foundation是独立的、非盈利性的慈善组织,其总部在瑞士联邦理工学院。此次与CMB合作,向CMB合作和资助院校征集创新项目,要求课题研究内容必须与改善儿童健康相关,可以是在之前已经获得CMB资助的课题基础上进行,也可以是独立的研究课题。

每所院校最多能提交5篇课题申请书。申请者必须在2012年7月26日之前将完整的课题申请书(而非摘要)发送到lei_zhang@bjmu.edu.cn或seven88214@gmail.com。具体申请要求和相关内容介绍请见附件。有任何疑问直接致信Dr. Charles A. Gardner, Program Director for Global Health Research, Optimus Foundation (charles-albert.gardner@ubs.com)。

The UBS Optimus Foundation is an independent non-profit philanthropic organization based in Zurich Switzerland.  This call for Innovation Projects in China in partnership with CMB seeks to support unconventional and even risky – yet promising – new ideas.  Projects must focus on improving child health, either adding to your grant from the China Medical Board, or as a stand alone project.

Each eligible institution can submit up to five proposals to the UBS Optimus Foundation. Please note that unlike CMB project, full proposals rather than abstracts are required for the submission. Please also note that those submissions will NOT count into the five-abstract quota of the CMB open competition Request for Proposals (CMB-OC RFPs) that are open to 17 HPSS partner schools of CMB. The proposals should be submitted directly by the CMB liaison office of each school to sh-optimus-research@ubs.com with the subject line "UBSOF CHINA CALL". All questions about the proposal should also be addressed to Dr. Charles A. Gardner, Program Director for Global Health Research, Optimus Foundation (charles-albert.gardner@ubs.com). You can find all details on the attached Optimus Call for Proposals. The review will be conducted independently by Optimus Foundation.  


联系人:张蕾    刘焰葳

电  话:82805681

附件一: UBSOF+InnovationCall_CHINA_1Q12_vF





